Sunday, November 1, 2015


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo!

Knowing that this sentence does have a meaning [1], I say to my dear Sanskrit language -

अहमेव गुरुः सुदारुणानां इति काव्योदधिः मा स्म दिव्य दृप्यः |
ननु सन्ति भवादृशानि अन्ये, भवेयुरपि विरलाः सत्यकलिवत् ||

O' KavyodadhiH - Ocean of Kavyas (i.e. Sanskrit Language), O' Divya (hey great language), please get rid of impression that only you have the most difficult (to dissect and hence digest poems)!!
Though rare as Satya (the truth) in Kaliyug, there are others like you!

Many texts in Samskrit exemplify a complex wordplay difficult to comprehend but with a rhythmic, pictorial or graphical pattern [2]. I was surprised to see a similar construction in English. Further addendum to surprise was to see that this construction is quite old and I did not know this!


The above creation of mine is inspired from the following सुभाषित 
अहमेव गुरुः सुदारुणानामिति हालाहल मा स्म तात दृप्यः ।
ननु सन्ति भवादृशानि भूयो भुवनेस्मिन् वचनानि दुर्जनानाम् ॥ 

O' Haalaahal poison! Please get rid of the impression that "I am the most ghastly fellow in this world!". 
Words of a wicked person are even more horrible than you! 
हे हलाहल (विष) ! मैं भय़ंकर में श्रेष्ठ हूँ एसा घमंड न करना । इस जगत में तुज से भी भयंकर दुर्जन के वचन है ।

[1] See Buffalo^8 on Wikipedia
[2] One such example is ShishupalVadh a famous kavya in Samskrit 
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