Monday, September 10, 2012

First tryst with second shift

What all you see is
black turned white;

Roads are the same and so are the workshops
Bustling with sounds - as they are during the day,
And here at night they keep it to themselves;
So as they poise; noise? they keep it at the bay!

Some are colored, better than The "GENERAL"
As fountain at the Cafe, dances yellow-red-green;
And the bays wear coats of majestic yellow lights
Even forklifts with beacons appear a convoy of Queen!

The GENERAL of the day, as he takes leave;
Things turn black, whatever color they might Be!
With lesser of people, and more of time;
Work is what you are left with, the only remaining plea!! :P

Sometimes The Unusual starts talking to you,
With a perspective, to defy what you thought, as the right!
So it is not the day which shows us the true colors
But what all you see, is merely Black turned White!

This poem emerged from the first tryst with second shift at TATA Motors, Ltd., Pimpri on 6th September, 2012.